The Pancakes of Evil

It all started when I was five years old, when my parents first decided that I was old enough for them to start buying Aunt Jemima's Pancake & Waffle mix to feed me for breakfast. I have never been the same since.
It was all good for about a week until my dad dropped down dead after taking one sniff into one of the cooked pancakes. Just as me and mom screamed, his body suddenly exploded in a gorey and bloody explosion with his guts and blood flying everywhere. The cats enjoyed him for breakfast so we threw them out and left them for the wolves while we changed to hamsters.
My mom was later arrested and charged with the murder. I had to convince them I could take care of myself while she looked at life in jail - they said it was obvious she did it that there was no need for a trial. I proved to them by fixing them a Pancake dinner with Aunt Jemima's pancake mix.
Later, I watched on the news that same night that a dark skinned woman who looked exactly like Aunt Jemima had come to their homes and viciously murdered them before then killing their entire families and removing the bodies. I didn't believe though so I tested it out by cooking the Pancakes for my school just to see if it would work or not.
Every single person in school ate the Pancakes I made for them, even the bullies, sports teams and cheerleaders, and later that night every single one of them met their end at the hands of Aunt Jemima according to a news report. I was scared to death that I had caused it, but then Aunt Jemima appeared infront of me and told me:
"It aight, child. You's mah child now."
And just like that, my skin changed colour to match hers and I was immediately changed into an outfit that matched hers. Now, all I want to do, is cook people more pancakes, for my Auntie Jamima to know who's next on the menu.